
Your Hotel Wedding Can Be Eco-Friendly

26 June 2018
 Categories: Travel, Blog

If you are considering a hotel wedding, you are in good company. Many brides opt for hotel weddings thanks to the wealth of resources they offer. One of the biggest concerns among couples choosing a hotel wedding is whether or not they can hold the event exactly as they want it. For those searching for environmentally-friendly options, this concern is warranted. If you are looking for ways to make your wedding friendly to the surroundings, consider using these tips, all of which are hotel-friendly. Read More …

Are You Going To The Holy Land?

20 June 2018
 Categories: Travel, Blog

Have you always wanted to go to the Holy Land? Perhaps long ago you saw movies like The Ten Commandments or The Greatest Story Ever Told, and you decided at that time that one day you would travel to far away lands that were depicted in those movies. Or, it might be that you are a serious student of the Bible and you want to see places that you have read about. If the time has finally arrived for you to take a Holy Land trip, you are more than likely feeling both excited, and a bit overwhelmed. Read More …

Tips On How To Dress For A Wine Tour

18 June 2018
 Categories: Travel, Blog

Once you've looked at different vineyard tours and booked one for you and your friends, it's time to give some thought to how you'll dress for the occasion. You should first check on the wine tour's website to confirm if there are any attire requirements. Although this isn't always the case, you'll find that some tours request that you dress for the event in a specific manner. If there aren't any instructions, you have the option of dressing however you'd like — but you'll want to keep some specific ideas in mind. Read More …

Have Limited Time in Venice? See These 5 Stunning Churches First

13 June 2018
 Categories: Travel, Blog

Like most cities in Europe, Venice has many churches to offer visitors a unique and beautiful experience. But with a limited time in this amazing city, how can you choose which to put on your list? Here are 5 that you should definitely make time for and why. Most Famous Undoubtedly, the most iconic single location in Venice is the Basilica of St. Mark. This is the church whose courtyard square is featured around the world in photos of the city. Read More …

What You Can Expect When Taking Your First Wine Tour

6 June 2018
 Categories: Travel, Blog

You have most likely seen a movie or two in which the lead character heads out on a wine tour or wine tasting. It looks fun and exciting, but you don't really know what to expect when you head out to take a tour. Yes, you will see beautiful vineyards and get to taste various types of wine, but what else can you expect to experience? Tour Group or On Your Own Read More …