Have Limited Time in Venice? See These 5 Stunning Churches First

Have Limited Time in Venice? See These 5 Stunning Churches First

13 June 2018
 Categories: Travel, Blog

Like most cities in Europe, Venice has many churches to offer visitors a unique and beautiful experience. But with a limited time in this amazing city, how can you choose which to put on your list? Here are 5 that you should definitely make time for and why.

Most Famous

Undoubtedly, the most iconic single location in Venice is the Basilica of St. Mark. This is the church whose courtyard square is featured around the world in photos of the city. Its stunning and frothy exterior architecture is only matched by the interior walls covered in tiny glass tiles from the island of Murano. A must-see! 

Best Views

The Church of San Giorgio Maggiore is a little harder to get to than some. But it's worth the short boat ride, and not just because of the beautiful buildings on the island. Locate the brilliant white facade of the church and then enjoy the Tintoretto masterpieces inside. Then, ascend the bell tower to enjoy an amazing view of the whole city. If you're not feeling up to climbing all the wooden steps, take the new elevator for a small fee. 

Best Ceiling

The Church of San Pantalon is unimposing from the outside. But hidden behind its 17th century stone facade is the most impressive ceiling art you'll likely see in the city. Gian Antionio Fumiani painted a massive ceiling masterpiece for nearly 20 years. And legend holds that he fell to his death from the scaffolding while finishing it. The result is an awe-inspiring work of forced perspective that gives the painting a particular ability to feel alive. 

Oldest Church

Step back in history and discover what may be the oldest established church in Venice. Head to the island of Torcello to visit the humble but beautiful Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta. Consecrated in 639 A.D, this church has an older architectural style with lovely mosaic artworks depicting scenes from the Bible. 

Best Art

Like San Pantalon, the Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari (commonly called "the Frari") doesn't cut a striking figure from the outside. But inside are several masterpieces of the art world. Chief among them are Titian's huge  "Assumption of the Virgin" behind the altar. You'll also find incredible artworks from legends like Donatello and Giovanni Bellini. And don't miss the monument to sculptor Antonio Canova that was based on his own designs. 

There's more art and architecture to see in Venice than most visitors have time for. And if you do have to limit your tours, seeing these special churches will be the highlight of your visit. And it may just inspire you to return to see the rest of Venice's incredible masterpieces. For more information, contact services that provide Christian tours of Italy.