Tips On How To Dress For A Wine Tour

Tips On How To Dress For A Wine Tour

18 June 2018
 Categories: Travel, Blog

Once you've looked at different vineyard tours and booked one for you and your friends, it's time to give some thought to how you'll dress for the occasion. You should first check on the wine tour's website to confirm if there are any attire requirements. Although this isn't always the case, you'll find that some tours request that you dress for the event in a specific manner. If there aren't any instructions, you have the option of dressing however you'd like — but you'll want to keep some specific ideas in mind. Here are some tips on how to dress for your wine tour.

Think Of The Photos Being Shared

A wine tour is generally an upscale occasion, and while this doesn't mean that you need to dress as though you're attending a wedding, you should put some thought into your wardrobe. A good rule of thumb is to dress as though you'll have your photo taken and it will be shared on social media — and this is probably going to happen. You don't want to shy away from the camera because you're wearing an old hoodie and dirty jeans. For women, a chic dress or some tight pants and a summery top can work well. For men, a pair of fitted slacks or shorts and a button-up shirt will have you looking your best.

Keep Your Feet Comfortable

If you're getting a little dressed up for the wine tour, don't make the mistake of choosing footwear that is stylish but not comfortable. In a given tour, you'll spend a lot of time walking and standing, and you don't want your feet to feel miserable by the end. There are plenty of compromises for footwear that can make you look good but still be comfortable. Dock shoes, flats, and other similar footwear can all effectively pair well with your outfit but also keep your feet feeling good.

Don't Pack Too Heavily

Some people have a hard time leaving the house for any length of time without a series of supplies, but you might soon regret packing too heavily on your wine tour. While there's nothing wrong with carrying around a purse, you might want to alternatively put a credit card and a couple bills in your pocket so that you can keep your hands free. Don't worry about packing a bottle of water and snacks if that's normal behavior for you; you'll have refreshments throughout the tour. A camera might be appealing, but if it's bulky, carrying it for a couple hours can get old. Instead, rely on your smartphone's camera.